Paternity Legal Services | Marla Keenan-Rivero Family Law Attorney & Mediator (707) 525-8800

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(707) 525-8800

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(707) 525-8800

Paternity Legal Services

Mrs. Keenan-Rivero is diverse in all aspects of parenting and custody issues.  Many couples today decide for various reasons to have children outside of marriage.  When a dispute arises between non-marital parents, a paternity action is required to establish paternity for the father and mother.  Until parentage is established, the father has no legal obligations to the mother. This includes the duty to pay child support. The father has no rights to child custody or visitation.

However, once there is a ruling as to paternity, a child support order, custody order, and visitation order may be set and enforced on either parent’s behalf.  Establishing paternity is beneficial to the child as well as the mother and has procedural requirements.

Mrs. Keenan-Rivero is dedicated and an experienced certified family law specialist who knows how to help with all aspects of paternity cases to help you determine when and how to move forward.  She helps clients establish parentage for the benefit of the mother, father, and child(ren). 

To schedule a consultation call Ona Tidwell at 707-525-8800 or

Marla Keenan-Rivero Family Law & Mediation

(707) 525-8800

438 1st St, #400, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Business Hours

Monday:  9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday:  9:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday:  9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday:  9:00am - 5:00pm

Friday:  Closed

Saturday:  Closed

Sunday:   Closed

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